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7th Year Spell List

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  • Armour-bewitching charm - Incantation Unknown - Bewitches a suit of armour to sing Christmas carols. This charm was used as part of the Christmas decorations in 1994. Unfortunately, a suit of armour so enchanted is still not a particularly clever thing, so many of them didn't know all the words to the songs. Peeves took to hiding inside the armour and filling in the gaps with lyrics of his own invention, usually very rude ones.
  • Atmospheric Charm - Incantation Unknown - Something to do with weather effects such as are seen at Ministry of Magic headquarters in London. Hermione says that if something has gone wrong with one, it will be more difficult to fix than simply by casting Finite Incantatem.
  • Bombarda Maxima - Incantation "Bombarda Maxima" - Creates a large explosion.
  • Crop Related Charms - Incantation unknown - Various effects on crops depending on the specific charm in question.
  • Fianto Duri - Incantation “Fianto Duri”- Strengthens shields. This spell when combined with Protego Maxima and Repello Inimicum create an almost imprenatrable shield.
  • Fidelius Charm - Incantation Unknown - Used to conceal a secret inside an individual's soul; the witch or wizard who houses the secret is known as the Secret Keeper. A dwelling whose location has been protected by this spell is then invisible, intangible, unplottable and soundproof. The secret can only be found out if the Secret Keeper tells another directly, by either verbally or writing it. Once a secret keeper dies, anyone who knows the secret becomes a Secret Keeper in turn, but the power of the spell becomes more diluted as the secret becomes known to more people.
  • Firestorm Charm - Incantation Unknown - Creates a large ring of fire around the castor. When the person moves the, so too does the ring.
  • Flying Charm - Incantation Unknown - Used to make broomsticks and flying carpets fly. Can be used on other objects like a car.
  • Hour-Reversal Charm - Incantation unknown - Reverses small amounts of time (up to five hours)
  • Portus - Incantation "Portus" - creates a portkey.
  • Protean Charm - Incantation Unknown - Causes copies of an object to be remotely affected by changes made to the original.
  • Protego Horribilis - Incantation "Protego Horribilis" - A powerful shield charm against dark magic.
  • Protego Maxima - Incantation "Protego Maxima " - A powerful shield charm against dark magic. Was so powerful that it could also disintegrate people that came too close.
  • Repello Inimicum - Incantation "Repello Inimicum" - Disintegrates the persons entering this charm
  • Salvio Hexia - Incantation "Salvio Hexia" - Unknown, as it was one of several spells that were used to help strengthen Harry's camp-site, and had no seen effects. Possibly deflects minor hexes aimed at an object (the tent).
  • Supersensory Charm - Incantation Unknown - Presumably causes the caster to have enhanced senses, or to be able to sense things they would not normally sense.
  • Trace - Incantation Unknown - The charm that detects magical ability around under-seventeens.

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  • Aresto Momentum - Incantation "Aresto Momentum" - Used to decrease the velocity of a moving target; it should be noted that it can be used on multiple targets, as well as on the caster himself.
  • Conjured Items - Incantation Unknown - a spell that creates objects out of thin air.
  • Deletrius - Incantation "Deletrius" - Disintegrates something
  • Entrancing Enchantments - Incantation Unknown - Spells that cause the target person to fall in love with the caster.
  • Fountain of Wine - Incantation Unknown - Produces a fountain of wine or liquid to pour from the casters wand.
  • Gubraithian Fire - Incantation unknown - makes the target object burn forever.
  • Homenum revelio - Incantation "Homenum revelio" - Reveals human presence in the target area.
  • Inanimatus Conjurus - Incantation "Inanimatus Conjurus" - Although not identified, the name suggests that this involves the conjuring inanimate objects.
  • Shield Penetration Spell - Incantation unknown - Annihilates magical enchantments and shields
  • Shock Spell - Incantation unknown - Spell used at st. Mungo's to treat mental illnesses
  • Sleep Spell - Incantation unknown - Puts the target person into a deep sleep; subject is in a state almost like suspended animation and does not breathe for the duration of the spell
  • Thief's Downfall - Incantation Unknown - A waterfall that can be released over the track at Gringotts that has the effect of washing away all enchantment, all magical concealment.
  • Unplottable - Incantation Unknown - A magical effect on a place; makes it impossible to plot its location on a map.

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  • Anti-Apparition/disapparition - Incantation unknown - Prevents someone from Apparating.
  • Bedazzling Hex - Incantation unknown - used to conceal a person or object
  • Cascading Jinx - Incantation Unknown - is an offensive spell meant for attacking multiple, tight-knit opponents at once. When cast, the spell erupts into an explosion, hitting everything within the range set by the caster.
  • Finger Removing Jinx - Incantation Unknown - Removes a person fingers.
  • Taboo - Incantation Unknown - A jinx placed on a specific word or name that causes a magical disturbance if spoken. This alters the caster of Taboo to the location of the speaker Any protective enchantments in effect around the speaker are broken when the Tabooed word is spoken aloud.

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  • Babbling Curse - Incantation unknown - is assumed to cause target to babble.
  • Blasting Curse - Incantation "Confringo" - causes target to explode
  • Draconifors - Incantation "Draconifors" - Transforms the target into a dragon
  • Entrail-Expelling Curse - Incantation Unknown - is a spell. Its effects are unknown, but presumably it causes one's entrails to be expelled from the body.
  • Fiendfyre - Incantation Unknown - Creates a cursed fire, made up of flames of abnormal size and heat. Left burning long enough, the fire will take the shapes of gigantic fiery beasts including serpents, chimaeras, dragons, and birds of prey, which will pursue any living targets.
  • Insomniárium - Incantation "Insomniárium" - Puts an enemy into a deep sleep, where the person doesn't breathe but stays alive.
  • Transmogrifian Torture - Incantation Unknown - Unknown effect upon victim; most likely extreme torture that can lead to death.

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